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Cribbage (1).jpg

No sign up needed. Just show up!

-Please try to arrive early so that we can go over the rules and set up the games.

-The buy-in is $20 cash per person
-Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
-Half the pot goes to Harmony Farm Sanctuary

- Official Bicycle Playing Cards cribbage rules

-We will play games to 121 points, and will NOT be playing muggins rules.

-Please familiarize yourself with these rules and we will go over them briefly at the beginning of the tournament.

-All players will play 5 single games against 5 different opponents during the first two hours of the tournament.

-When those games are completed, we will tally the wins, loses, skunks and double skunks for each player. 0 points for a loss, 2 points for a win, 3 points for a win with a skunk, and 4 points for a win with a double skunk.

-The raffle will be held at 7:30.


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